Rally4Vets is about supporting our veteran community; especially veterans struggling with PTSD-related challenges. The first Rally4Vets programs focused on amateur motorsports programs: our annual Top Dog Championships; the annual cross-America road rally; and our weekend fun run program on Roadstr.io.
Welcome to our veteran bicycling community! A place where PTSD symptoms succumb to the cycling endorphins!
Hey there, I'm Robert Hess, a proud Vietnam-era combat veteran and PTSD survivor. I like to think of myself as a PTSD graduate—because let's face it, those emotions never truly disappear, do they? But that's where my bike comes in!
Beyond my battle with PTSD, I'm also an Agent Orange prostate cancer survivor. Waiting for those annual PSA blood test results can be a real nail-biter, but I’ve found an amazing way to keep my mind in a good place: cycling!

Hopping on my bike and hitting the road has been a game-changer. I aim to ride three times a week, covering around 70 miles and climbing 3,500 feet. It's challenging, it's fun, and it helps keep me grounded.
So why not come pedal with us? Join our Rally4Vets cycling group on Strava, and let's ride out those stresses together!